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ASOR CHI Symposium | Cultural Heritage Initiatives in Africa Today

On April 11-13, ASOR CHI hosted a three-day symposium, Cultural Heritages Initiatives in Africa Today, which highlighted the work of local heritage professionals, academics, and civil society organizations to protect, preserve, and promote cultural heritage in North Africa and the Sahel. ASOR welcomes you to view the symposium recordings.

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مشاهدة الصفحة باللغة العربية

CHI UPDATE: Documenting the Mellahs (Jewish Quarters) of Tiznit, Morocco

ASOR implementing partner Ratiba Rigalma presents an introduction to her research on the mellahs of Tiznit, a city on the west coast of the region of Souss-Massa, Morocco. Mellah is Moroccan Arabic for referring to a neighborhood inhabited only by people of Jewish faith. This study is the first to analyze all known examples of known tangible Jewish cultural heritage in the region. Rigalma examines numerous aspects of Jewish daily life through the documentation of homes, synagogues, souks (markets), and cemeteries.

UPDATE: Digital Documentation of Cultural Heritage in Morocco Using ASOR CHI Programs

The High Atlas Foundation worked with local partners in Ouarzazate, Taroudant, Tiznit, and Guelmim to celebrate the cultural pluralism that characterizes these regions, which is reflected in their local traditions. During this collaboration, Dr. Ouguinaz trained groups of local youth from the seven communities on open-source technologies and programs offered by ASOR, and used for documenting the diverse cultural heritage of Morocco.

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UPDATE: ASOR Initiatives to Safeguard Cultural Heritage in North Africa

Last year, ASOR Cultural Heritage Initiatives (ASOR CHI) received a major grant from an anonymous donor to document, preserve, and promote the cultural heritage of ethnic and religious minorities in Tunisia and Morocco by focusing on the rich traditions of communal collaboration within Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. In late 2022, ASOR received a follow-up grant from the anonymous donor to expand the project to Sahel region of Africa (Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso). Many heritage sites in the region face acute threats, which could lead to the loss of an irreplaceable heritage.

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UPDATE: Documentation Efforts Safeguard Minority Cultural Heritage in Morocco

Thanks to generous funding from an anonymous donor, and in partnership with Moroccan and Tunisian colleagues, ASOR recently launched an initiative to promote religious and ethnic freedom in Tunisia and Morocco through heritage site documentation, protection, and advocacy. This article presents an overview of our work in Morocco. In the coming weeks, future articles will highlight ASOR’s efforts in more detail throughout the region.

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