

Intentional Destruction of Religious Sites in Afrin

Turkish and Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) armed forces intentionally damage Yezidi sites in Afrin.

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The Malthai Reliefs

Vandalism damages ancient reliefs.

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Urban encroachment damages archaeological site.

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Satellite imagery indicates bulldozing near and encroachment on the archaeological site.

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Locals decry condition of the archaeological site, where heavy rains revealed a number of artifacts in early 2018.

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Ma’ara Museum

On January 2, 2018 the Idlib Antiquities Center reported that Russian warplanes bombed the Ma’ara Museum, causing severe damage to the museum’s galleries. ASOR CHI Co-Investigator Amr al-Azm received a report from on-the-ground sources that the airstrike caused severe damage to the museum’s west wing and gallery, which was confirmed by local reporting groups.

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On April 26, 2017 forces from the Shia militia known as the Popular Mobilization Front (PMF) recaptured Hatra after launching an offensive on ISIS positions at Hatra and in the surrounding area early the previous day. Following photographs and video footage detailed ISIS-inflicted damage to the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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Deir ez Zor Churches

Due to its proximity to a regime military security building, the Church of al-Sayyida Maryam al-‘Adhra’ became was on the frontline between the Syrian regime, the Free Syrian Army (FSA), and al-Nusra Front in 2012…

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Shewarna Castle

Sherwana Castle was damaged by a 7.3 magnitude earthquake on November 12, 2017. The earthquake killed over 300 people and injuring more than 7,000 across both Iraq and Iran. The head of the Germiyan Antiquities Department reported that 35% of the castle suffered damage…

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The archaeological site of Berenice is located in the Sidi Ekhreibish neighborhood of north-central Benghazi, and is surrounded on three sides by modern buildings. Greek settlement in the area began at nearby Eusperides (also located within the limits of Benghazi) in the early 6th century BCE…

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Deir Sunbul (Der Sambil) Village

Video footage shows a gunman destroying the remains of Deir Sunbul. Deir Sunbul is one of the Byzantine-era “Dead Cities” located on the Jebel Zawiya, which contains dozens of ruins dating to the 4th–8th century CE …

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Tel Afar Citadel

New video footage shows the condition of the Tal Afar Citadel. The Citadel of Tal Afar is an Ottoman-era fortification in the center of the largely Turkmen town of …

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Tell Qarqur

Satellite imagery provides evidence of militarization at Tell Qarqur. One of the most prominent sites in the lower Orontes Valley, Tell Qarqur consists of two mounds (Tell Qarqur Kabir and Tell Qarqur Sehrir), located approximately 500 meters from the modern village of Qarqur …

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Militia clashes in Sabratha reportedly spilled into the archaeological site, resulting in widespread damage. The Theater of Sabratha (Rome Across Europe) Situated on Libya’s Tripolitanian Coast, Sabratha was one of a triad of cities, along with Oea (modern Tripoli) and Leptis Magna, which gave the name of Tripolis to this region. Sabratha was founded between…

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al-Qadim Mosque

DigitalGlobe satellite imagery details the level of damage to al-Qadim Mosque, an Abbasid-era site in the Old City of Raqqa.

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al-Sa´a “Clock” Church

Our Lady of the Hour Roman Catholic Church, popularly known as al-Sa´a (“Clock”) Church or Latin Church, was constructed by Dominican friars 1862–1873 CE.

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