
ASOR CHI Symposium

Cultural Heritage Initiatives in Africa Today | Recordings

Program Schedule

Click on the session links below to view the schedule and recordings for each day.

Thursday, April 11


Friday, April 12


Saturday, April 13


On April 11-13, ASOR CHI hosted a three-day symposium, Cultural Heritages Initiatives in Africa Today, which highlighted the work of local heritage professionals, academics, and civil society organizations to protect, preserve, and promote cultural heritage in North Africa and the Sahel. ASOR welcomes you to view the symposium recordings.

Protecting Libyan Cultural Heritage


Libya Session Schedule

00:00:00 – 00:04:00 | Welcome Remarks

00:04:00 – 00:13:10 | Geoff Emberling

00:13:10 – 00:25:40 | Muftah Ahmed Alhddad

00:25:40 – 00:36:45 | Ahmed Buzaian

00:36:45 – 00:46:55 | Aida M. Ejroushi

00:46:55 – 00:58:45 | Khaled M.A. Elhaddar

00:58:45 – 01:11:45 | Julia Nikolaus

01:11:45 – 01:48:35 | Moderated Discussion

Libya Session Recording (English Version)


Aida M. Ejroushi

American Society of Overseas Research (ASOR)

Ahmad Emrage

American Society of Overseas Research (ASOR)

Geoff Emberling

University of Michigan

Cultural Heritage in Tumultuous Times: Collaborative Engagement at El-Kurru and Jebel Barkal, Sudan

Muftah Ahmed Alhddad

Azzaytuna University & The Department of Antiquities, Libya

A Practical Approach to the Protection of Cultural Heritage Sites Against Anthropogenic Activity in Libya: the Wadi Majer as a Case Study

Ahmed Buzaian

University of Leicester, United Kingdom

Ancient Olive Presses and Oil Production in Cyrenaica (Northeast Libya)

Aida M. Ejroushi

American Society of Overseas Research (ASOR)

Documenting Continuation in Transforming Tripoli’s Historic Center: Changing Bilkhair Neighborhood

Khaled M.A. Elhaddar

University of Benghazi, Libya

The Status of Libyan Archaeological Museums During War and Peace and Ways to Protect Them

Julia Nikolaus

MarEA, Ulster University

Exploring the effects of Climate Change and Coastal Erosion on the Maritime Heritage of Libya

Cultural Heritage in the Maghreb

FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 2024

Maghreb Session Schedule

00:00:00 – 00:04:05 | Welcome Remarks

00:04:05 – 00:12:50 | Awatef Bahroun

00:12:50 – 00:23:20 | Jamel Eddine Ben Saidane

00:23:20 – 00:33:55 | Lassaad Dandani & Nawel Drissi

00:33:55 – 00:42:30 | Jamal Maghiouzi

00:42:30 – 00:58:25 | Abdelkarim Ouguinaz

00:58:25 – 01:10:10 | Ratiba Rigalma

01:10:10 – 01:21:00 | Assia Sabri, Ibtissem Sabri, & Belgacem Guemri

01:21:00 – 01:28:10 | Safouane Tlili

01:28:10 – 01:59:30 | Moderated Discussion

Maghreb Session Recording


Ratiba Rigalma

Ibn Zohr University, Morocco

Awatef Bahroun

University of Manouba, Tunisia

The Imperiled Jewish Cemetery of Soliman (Tunisia) Facing Disappearance

Jamel Eddine Ben Saidane

Carthagina, Tunisia

Documenting Endangered Heritage as a Tool for Connecting Tunisian Minorities

Lassaad Dandani & Nawel Drissi

University of Manouba, Tunisia

Cemeteries of the Jewish Minority in Tunisia: Between Heritage Conception and Tourism Employment: The Finalization of an Interactive Map of Jewish Cemeteries

Jamal Maghiouzi

American Society of Overseas Research (ASOR)

Towards Heritage Preservation and Intercultural Dialogues

Abdelkarim Ouguinaz

High Atlas Foundation, Morocco

Preserving Morocco’s Tangible Heritage: Condition Assessment and Mapping Efforts by the High Atlas Foundation and the American Society of Overseas Research

Ratiba Rigalma

Ibn Zohr University, Morocco

The Suitcase Museum Experience in Morocco

Assia Sabri, Ibtissem Sabri, & Belgacem Guemri

Laboratory Douiret, Tunisia

The Amazigh Heritage within ASOR’s project in Tunisia

Safouane Tlili

Carthagina, Tunisia

Ibadi Mosques on the Tunisian island of Djerba: A Legacy on the Way to Extinction

Cultural Heritage in the Sahel


Sahel Session Schedule

00:00:00 – 00:04:40 | Welcome Remarks

00:04:40 – 00:12:10 | Issouf Balima

00:12:10 – 00:26:20 | ϲʿֱou Konate

00:26:20 – 00:35:55 | Kadiatou Sow

00:35:55 – 00:43:35 | Boureima Teme

00:43:35 – 00:53:35 | Rahina Balarabé

00:53:35 – 01:07:40 | Pierre Guindo

01:07:40 – 01:19:35 | Maki Garba

01:19:35- 01:28:44 | Kientega Pingdewindé Gérard

01:28:44- 01:54:49 | Moderated Discussion

Sahel Session Recording (English Version)


Jean-Paul Koudougou

International Council of Museums (ICOM) Africa

I – Heritage Management during Insecure Times

Issouf Balima

IKAM Burkina

Insecurity, Challenges and Current Perspectives about the Heritage of the Sahel

ϲʿֱou Konate


Training in Documenting the Threatened Heritage of Communities in Mali
II – Roles of Cultural Associations in Preserving Heritage

Kadiatou Sow


Raising Community Awareness and Documenting Threatened Cultural Heritage in the Commune of Minidjan in Mali

Boureima Teme

Association Dogon Initiatives (ADI), Mali

The Efforts of the Dogon Initiatives Association for the Documentation and Preservation of the Cultural Heritage of Mali

Rahina Balarabé

Oralité Plus, Niger

Oralité Plus’ Cultural Heritage Work in Niger

Pierre Guindo

Mission Culturelle Bandiagara, Mali

 Mission Culturelle of Bandiagara (Mali): Work on the Bandiagara Cliffs (Mali) in Partnership with ADI and ASOR
III – Safeguarding and Preserving Heritage through Community Action

Maki Garba

Culture, Art et Humanité (CAH), Niger

The Valorization and Revitalization of Traditional Cultures and Skills in Niger: The Case of Practical Transmission of Women Potters from Boubon

Kientega Pingdewindé Gérard

Koombi Culture, Burkina Faso

Role and Place of the Blacksmith in the Society of the Mossé in Burkina Faso

Speakers / Presenters

Dr. Mftah Alhddad is Professor of Archaeology and Ancient History at Azzaytuna University in Tarhuna, Libya. He received his doctorate in Archaeology from the University of Leicester in 2010. In 2012, he became the first director of the Libyan Department of Archaeology’s Documentation and Digitization Centre for Cultural Heritage. He has since been involved in a number of collaborative projects between DoA and foreign archaeological missions and institutions, including EAMENA, Training in Action, and Partnership for Heritage.

Awatef Bahroun is a heritage consultant and curator of the Leader Habib Bourguiba Museum. She is also a doctoral student, researching the Jewish community of Nabeul and its affect on the Jews of Cap Bon.

Rahina Balarabé, born in Niamey, Niger, Ms. Balarabé fell in love with storytelling at a very young age.  In 2007, she made her stroytelling debut and by 2008 had founded her theater company. She currently leads the artistic and cultural organization, Oralité plus.

Issouf Balima works with IKAM Burkina Sarl, a non-profit specializing in training in cultural entrepreneurship (Maaya), management, and cultural administration. IKAM serves as a resource center for the cultural and creative industries in Burkina Faso.

Jamel Eddine ben Saidane is a member of the Tunisian Amazigh minority. He is passionate about history and is involved in various initiatives aiming to protect, document, and promote Tunisian heritage. Jamel is a member of the Carthagina Association.

Dr. Ahmed M. A. Buzaian is a Research Associate at EAMENA, School of Archaeology and Ancient History, University of Leicester, UK. He also served as a Full-time lecturer in classical archaeology at the Department of Archaeology, Benghazi University, from 1994 to 2012, including teaching courses on Roman pottery, Field archaeology and Techniques in archaeological excavations, as well as post-excavation skills. Dr. Buzaian has directed numerous field projects inclugin, excavations at the ancient city of Teucheira (modern Tocra) from 1994 to 2012, Omar al-Mukhtar University training excavations at the ancient site of Balagrae (modern al-Beida) from 2001 to 2006, and Co-director of the Anglo/Libyan excavations at Euesperides (1995-2006).

Lassaad Dandani is Assistant Professor at the Higher Institute of Heritage Professions of Tunis. He holds a PhD in Contemporary History. He researches tourism and heritage in Tunisia and the Maghreb. Author of several articles on the history of tourism in Tunisia, he recently published a book on “Automotive Tourism in Tunisia.”

Nawel Drissi, a University teaching assistant at the Faculty of Letters, Arts, and Humanities, Manouba.  A PhD researcher ( final year) in American Politics and International Relations. I hold a master degree in American Foreign Policy from Leicester University, UK. I am also a UNESCO peace ambassador.

Dr. Aida M. Ejroushi, an architect from Libya, obtained her doctoral degree in Land Use, Planning, Management, and Design with a specialization in historic preservation from the College of Architecture at Texas Tech University. Dr. Ejroushi’s research revolves around historic preservation planning, planning history, international planning and development, critical theory, uneven development, and Science and Technology Studies. She examines the intersection between historic preservation and urbanization.

Geoff Emberling is an archaeologist and museum curator specializing in the Middle East and North Africa. Since 2016 he has worked with a team of Sudanese and international archaeologists and conservators to engage communities in education and preservation of the UNESCO World Heritage site of “Gebel Barkal and Sites of the Napatan Region” in northern Sudan. This work has spanned a popular revolution, a military coup, and now a civil war in Sudan.

Dr. Ahmad S. M. Emrage is an associate professor at the Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Arts, University of Benghazi’s. He holds a BA and an MA in Archaeology from University of Benghazi. In 2014, he completed a PhD at the School of Archaeology and Ancient History, University of Leicester, The UK.

During the 2019–20 academic year, Emrage held a Fulbright Fellowship to teach courses on Libyan cultural heritage at Oberlin College (Ohio, USA).

As ASOR’s representative for heritage activities in Libya, Dr. Emrage manages ASOR’s cultural heritage grants and activities in Libya.

Maki Garba holds a Professional Master’s degree in Cultural Heritage Management from Senghor University of Alexandria, Egypt. He is president and founder of the Culture, Art and Humanity Association (CAH). Garba works for cultural heritage on associative and public lands in Niger. Garba coordinates several projects in the fields of culture, development and social cohesion in Niger through the Cultural Diversity Portal:

Belgacem Guemri is a mechanical engineer and freelance photographer, who is interested in methods and techniques for documenting and preserving cultural and civilizational heritage.

Pierre Guindo was born in Nombori (Bandiagara) in Mali. He holds a Master’s degree in History-Geography from the Ecole Normale Supérieure of Bamako-Mali obtained in 1999, and a Diploma of Advanced Professional Studies (equivalent to a Master II) in Cultural Heritage Management from the Senghor University of Alexandria in Egypt obtained in 2005.

Professional therefore in the field of cultural heritage, after two years of service in the world of NGOs, he has worked and continues to work for the preservation and promotion of cultural values ​​at the level of the Cultural Mission of Bandiagara where he is manager, holding the position of head of department since 2013.

Dr. Khaled el Haddar is Associate Professor of Archaeology at the University of Benghazi in eastern Libya. Since the Libyan revolution of 2011, he has played an instrumental role in documenting and raising awareness about the illicit trafficking of Libyan cultural property. In 2022, the Libyan Historic Cities Authority published his book, The Missing Benghazi Treasure: a Documentary Study, detailing the disappearance of the significant archaeological collection that had been housed in the National Trade Bank in Benghazi.

ϲʿֱou Konate is a graduate with a Masters in Culture and Development from the University of Social Sciences and Management, Bamako, Mali. Currently, Mr. Konate serves as an archaeologist and instructor for the Faculty of History and Geography at the University of Social Sciences and Management, as well as an ASOR Local Coordinator Consultant in Mali as part of the Cultural Heritage Initiatives in the Sahel.

Jean-Paul KOUDOUGOU. Trained as a historian, multimedia communicator and cultural heritage management consultant, he has benefited from a series of high-level training courses in cultural heritage management. He has held several senior positions in the field of museum management and has a good knowledge of African museum policies. He is the President of the ICOM Africa Regional Alliance (ICOM-Africa) and Consultant for ASOR.

Jamal Maghiouzi was born in Dades Valley, Tinghir, Morocco. He has bachelor’s degree in English from Kaddi Ayyad University, Marrakech. He was always interested in culture and heritage. He became a field cultural coordinator at High Atlas Foundation USAID-Dakira program/ Religious and Ethnic Minorities Program and at Asor HIC Program between 2021 and 2023. During these experiences, he developed his interests in ethnography, anthropology, local heritage, and inter-cultural dialogues.

Julia Nikolaus is an archaeologist specializing in North Africa, with a on remote sensing and heritage protection particularly in Libya, Egypt and Tunisia. Her research centers around long-term changes to archaeological sites and landscapes, which includes the exploration of more recent challenges to heritage such as urbanization, agricultural expansion and climate related impacts.

Abdelkarim Ouguinaz is a Ph.D. GIS expert with 8 years of experience in the field of GIS. He is capable of managing spatial databases and creating maps to undertake urban and rural planning projects. As a GIS engineer, he worked in various offices and NGOs. and was also a freelance consultant. His duties include collecting and analyzing the data using Remote Sensing to process satellite images, creating interactive maps on online platforms. and mastering GIS software such as ArcGIS, QGIS, Google Earth Pro, and SasPlanet. Additionally, he has experience with photogrammetric processing of digital images and generating 3D spatial data for use in GIS applications and cultural heritage documentation.

Kientega Pingdewindé Gérard (aka KPG) anchors his profession as a blacksmith from Burkina Faso based on ancestral knowledge transmitted by his father. He also trained in theatrical art in Ouagadougou and established himself as a renowned storyteller, which led him to win the Silver Medal at the 2009 XVI Francophonie Games in Beirut. Transmission of intangible cultural heritage is at the heart of his vision; for this, he created in 2008 the Koombi Cultural Center in Arbollé, his native village, to train young people in the practices of storytelling, dance, and music.

Ratiba Rigalma is a professor at Ibn Zohr University, specializing in archaeology and heritage. She is a graduate of the National Institute of Archaeology and Heritage and a former department head at the Moroccan Ministry of Culture. Professor Rigalma has published several articles on archaeology and heritage and has participated in seminars at the national and international level.

Assia Sabri holds a university degree in accounting and finance. She is also a traditional jewelry maker and civil society activist.

Ibtissem Sabri is a civil society activist in Tataouine in southern Tunisia. She is also a representative on the local council of Tataouine Sud in Douiret.

Kadiatou Sow is originally from western Mali, more precisely from the Nioro region in the Sahel region. She is president of the Association of Students and Supporters for the Protection of Cultural Heritage (AESPAT). Kadiatou is passionate about culture, reading, travel and discoveries.

Boureima Teme was born in Yendouma Sogol, Dogon Country. He obtained his master’s degree in History and Archaeology in 2011 after defending his dissertation on the theme of sigui and its teachings in the area of Tôôrô. He has been working with the NGO Association Dogon Initiatives (ADI) since March 2016 in the culture section as a program manager.

Safouane Tlili is a photographer who specializes in documenting the material and intangible heritage of Tunisia, especially on the island of Djerba. He has held several art exhibitions and is a civil activist in several human rights and cultural associations.