

Founder (greater than $1,000,000)

Stevan B. Dana ‑
P. E. MacAllister*

James F.* and Carolyn Midkiff Strange* ∞

Benefactor ($500,000 – $999,999)

Dig Director ($250,000 – $499,999)

Arnold & Porter, LLP (in-kind) ∞
Norma Kershaw*

Carol and Eric Meyers ∞
Wayne Russell Shepard ‑

Field Director ($100,000 – $249,999)

Susan Ackerman ∞
Anonymous ∞
Sheila Bishop ∞
Boston University (in-kind)
John Camp
Sheldon and Debbie Fox ∞
Charles Harris*
Sharon Herbert ‑
Martha and Artemis Joukowsky*
Lanier Theological Library ‑

Leon Levy*
National Endowment for the Humanities
James B. Nies*
Katherine Barton Platt*
David J. Rosenstein ∞
Richard J.* and Joan G. Scheuer
Joe D. Seger ∞
Whiting Foundation
World Monuments Fund

Patron ($50,000 – $99,999)

Anonymous ‑
Catholic Biblical Association
Sonya and Richard Coffman ‑
Dorot Foundation
Lawrence T. Geraty ∞
F. Myron Johnson*
J. M. Kaplan Fund

La Sierra University
Richard Natarian ‑
Orlyn and Deana Nelson
B. W. Ruffner ∞
Andy and Amy Vaughn ∞
Wendell W. Weir*

Sponsor ($25,000 – $49,999)

Mildred F. Alberg*
Altamira Foundation
Anonymous ∞
Anonymous ∞
David Berg Foundation
Jeffrey A. Blakely and Brauna Hartzell ∞
Douglas Clark ‑
Ted Dodd and Lynn Swartz Dodd ‑
Jane DeRose Evans ‑
Fox Family Fund
Timothy P. Harrison ∞
Ann-Marie Knoblauch ∞
Oystein and Asta LaBianca ∞

George* and Carol Landes ∞
Christopher MacAllister
Sandy MacAllister
George E. Mendenhall*
Notre Dame University
Alice S.* and Thomas R. Pickering ∞
James Ross*
Ann V. Sahlman β—Š
Elmar and Darilee Sakala
R. Thomas and Marilyn Schaub*
Silas and Catherine Vaughn*
Virginia Theol. Seminary (includes in-kind)
Jeanine Young-Mason β—Š

Sustainer ($10,000 – $24,999)

Denise and Stephen Adams
Anonymous ‑
Andrews University
Gary Arbino ∞
Emily Miller Bonney β—Š
Alex and Gretta Brooks
Robert* and Vivian* Bull
Laura and Charles Davis
Cleveland H. Dodge Foundation
Foundation for Jewish Heritage (London)
JΓΌrgen Friede ‑
Paul Gaylo ∞
Ronald D. Geraty
Wilfred A. Geschke
Ed Gilbert*
Eugene Grant*
G. Walter Hansen
Daniel Hantman
James W. Hardin ‑
Michael Hasel ‑
Peyton R. Helm β—Š
Donald Kramer*
Samuel H. Kress Foundation
Linda Noe Laine

Gary Lindstrom*
Lycoming College
Alex and Bridget MacAllister ‑
Elizabeth MacAulay β—Š
Anne Melvin
Andrew Moelis β—Š
Beth Alpert Nakhai ∞
Kiersten Neumann
Teresa and Robert A. Oden, Jr.
Timothy Potts
Suzanne Richard ∞
David and Ruth Seigle β—Š
Audrey Shaffer ∞
Harva L. Sheeler*
H. Katherine Sheeler ∞
Lydie Shufro ∞
Abraham Sofaer and Marian Scheuer Sofaer ∞
Charles W. Steinmetz
Stuart Swiny β—Š
University of British Columbia
Joseph Weinstein ∞
Alexander Weintraub
Malcolm Hewitt Wiener
Keeley and J. Edward Wright ‑

Supporter ($5,000 – $9,999)

Lisa Marilyn Ackerman β—Š
William Andreas ∞
Lamar Barden ‑
Andrea Berlin β—Š
Oded and Marcia Borowski ∞
James S. Bucko β—Š
Frances Cahill
Wallace S. Cameron β—Š
Vera R. Campbell
Duane Clark
Margaret E. Cohen ‑
Davidson College
P. M. MichΓ¨le Daviau β—Š
Paul Fitzpatrick ∞
Nan Frederick*
George Washington University
Seymour Gitin ∞
Denise Gold β—Š
Crawford Greenewalt, Jr.*
Harvard University
John Hoffman
Allan B. Hubbard
Ice Miller LLP
Marjorie Kiewit*
Phillip J. King*
Albert Leonard, Jr. β—Š
Laurel MacAllister
Burton MacDonald

Dale Manor ‑
Vincent Mauer β—Š
Lee Maxwell
Byron McCane β—Š
Mark W. Meehl
Mary and Charles Midkiff
Barbara Miley
Christopher Morris
Hanan Charaf and Robert Mullins ∞
Nash Family Foundation
Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
Barbara Porter ∞
Nader Rastegar
William Raynolds β—Š
Barbara M. Reeves ‑
Austin and Norma Ritterspach
Marsha Rozenbilt
Ricardo A. St. Hilaire
Virginia M. Snoddy
Southwest Baptist Theological Seminary
Olin J. Storvick*
University of Glasgow
University of Victoria
Jane C. Waldbaum ∞
Carolyn F. Waldron ∞
Donald Whitcomb* and Janet Johnson β—Š
K. Lawson Younger ‑
Randall Younker ∞

ASOR is grateful to our generous donors and has made every effort to ensure accuracy in recognizing them. Please contact us at info@asor.org if we have made an error in acknowledging you as a donor.

* = Deceased
β—Š = 5–9 years of consecutive giving
‑ = 10–14 years of consecutive giving
∞ = 15+ years of consecutive giving

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