ASOR is proud to announce that BASOR (The Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research—ISSN: 0003-097X) will be switching to bi-annual production in 2013. A production schedule change that allows for the following enhancements:
These enhancements follow an extensive self-study. The editorial board determined that color photographs throughout the journal would better complement the content. Our research also revealed that some peer journals were reducing their page count, and thus reducing the page length allowed for each article. Our reviewers concluded that longer articles are often required for synthetic historical studies and for archaeological articles, but there were few highly respected options for these articles. We expanded the page count by more than 25% so that we could consider longer articles. The move to a bi-annual publication will give us even more flexibility. As a result of these changes, we have already seen a 50% increase in article submissions by authors.
The new look will include increased use of vibrant color, a new cover, a new font appropriate for both print and online media, and a more streamlined and user-friendly table of contents. The redesign will also make use of premier graphic design technologies to deliver a visually superior print and e-journal product that is easy for readers to navigate.
BASOR has been one of the premier journals in the field for almost 100 years, and we are are excited to enhance a publication, which is already considered to be of the highest quality. BASOR is available in print or electronic format. To purchase an individual subscription, print and mail a subscription form, or contact the ASOR publications department by phone (617-236-0408) or email. To purchase a subscription for an institution, contact JSTOR.