Archived webpage for the 2021 Summer Stipend Program. ASOR anticipates awarding Scholarships for Fieldwork Participation in Summer 2022.听

25 Summer Stipends (ranging from $1,500 to $2,000 each)

  • 10 Stipends for undergraduates: $1,500 each for 100 hours of research / work
  • 10 Stipends for graduate students: $2,000 each for 100 hours of research / work
  • 5 Stipends for undergraduates or graduate students that identify as African American/Black, Indigenous, and/or People of Color (BIPOC)
    • Note: African American or Indigenous recipients will also receive Annual Meeting (partial travel) Grants

Because of the global pandemic in 2021, ASOR will support student participation in archaeological projects that do not include fieldwork and do not involve international travel. Rather than awarding fieldwork scholarships, ASOR will support summer employment stipends for research that is safe and feasible. We hope to resume offering fieldwork fellowships for the 2022 fellowship cycle.

As listed in the bulleted list above, ASOR is pleased to offer up to 25 Summer Stipends ranging between $1,500 (for undergraduates) and $2,000 (for graduate students) for students to participate in non-fieldwork components of an . Projects may take place in any country, but supported participants may not undertake international travel to reach the place of research. Participants and dig directors must demonstrate that the projects are safe and feasible and follow all government guidelines related to COVID-19. Projects may involve remote working and research. Projects that do not currently have ASOR affiliation are encouraged to apply, and the application form can be found here.

At least five (5) Summer Stipends will be reserved for students that identify as African American/Black, Indigenous, and/or People of Color (BIPOC). Students from these groups who wish to apply for research experience supported by these summer stipends but who do not have a connection with an ASOR project should contact Marta Ostovich (programs@asor.org). Principal investigators (PIs) who wish to sponsor a compensated research project for BIPOC students may let ASOR know of their interest in providing this type of employment opportunity (with ASOR covering the stipend).

Except for the five (5) Summer Stipends dedicated to BIPOC students, applications for the 2021 Summer Stipends will be made jointly by students and the PI of the project in which they intend to work. PIs should select no more than two students with whom they wish to apply for funding (one graduate student and one undergraduate student). We expect that no archaeological project will be awarded more than one Summer Stipend, but a project may receive a second Summer Stipend if the PI is providing a research project for a student from an under-represented group (BIPOC). Ten Summer Stipends will be reserved for graduate students, and ten for undergraduates. Five stipends (either undergraduate or graduate) are designated for students that identify as BIPOC, with a preference for African American / Black or indigenous students. Depending on quantity and quality of applications, ASOR reserves the right (at its sole discretion) to award more or less graduate or undergraduate stipends, but ASOR anticipates that the total will not be less than 20 total stipends. ASOR, at its sole discretion, may award more or less Summer Stipends in each category. Students who identify as BIPOC are also eligible for the general stipend competition.

Students who receive a Summer Stipend will also be eligible to apply for a registration scholarship for the 2021 ASOR Annual Meeting. Scholarships for the Annual Meeting will be guaranteed if the students state that they have a financial need.

听If you are a student looking for a research project to work on in summer 2021, please email Marta Ostovich (programs@asor.org) for a list of projects seeking students听and contact the project PI to let them know you are interested. If you are a PI in need of research assistance in summer 2021, please email Marta Ostovich (programs@asor.org), to be added to our list of projects. Please also email Marta Ostovich if you are a PI and wish to provide a research opportunity for a student from an under-represented group.

Application Deadline: February 26, 2021


Students must be members of ASOR or be enrolled as students at a current ASOR-member school (see list of Institutional Members). Five of the Summer Stipends will be reserved for students from under-represented groups, with preference given to African American / Black or Indigenous students. The membership requirement at time of application is waived for applicants from under-represented groups. Successful recipients will be expected to join ASOR.

Preference will be given to individuals who have not received support through the ASOR excavation fellowship program for the past two years (2018 or 2019). Additional preference will also be given to applicants who would not usually receive funding from the project鈥攖hat is, core staff who would normally receive funding or compensation will be ranked lower than other students.

Upon completion of the summer project, a report of 250-350 words and at least three appropriate photos (500 dpi resolution or higher) on the ASOR stipend-supported project must be submitted to the ASOR office by September 1, 2021. Reports and photos should be sent via email with “Summer Stipend Report” in the subject line. Successful candidates will also be expected to write a public-facing report (maybe the same report) that is suitable for publication on the ASOR website. Photos for the public-facing report should “tell the story” of the Summer Stipend project. Some Summer Stipends are funded by individual donors or by named endowments; recipients of these Stipends will be expected to send an appropriate acknowledgement letter to the respective donors or honorees. More information will be available after the recipients have been notified.

Stipend recipients will be required to sign a waiver indicating that ASOR is not responsible for any injuries they might sustain during their time working on the project. They will also be required to sign a release of rights to ASOR for the inclusion of their report and photographs in one of ASOR’s publications. This award may only be used for summer stipends. Indirect and/or overhead expenses are not permitted. Recipients are responsible for all taxes, and they will receive a 1099 or other appropriate tax documentation. Finalization of any stipend is contingent on the recipient complying with any IRS or U.S. laws / guidelines.

Previous Recipients

  1. Wajd Alzakwani, University of Evansville
  2. Tamiya Bowden, Fisk University
  3. Jordan Brown, University of California, Berkeley
  4. Shannon Burton, University of Michigan
  5. Loren Clark, University of California, San Diego
  6. Ruby Denneen, Oberlin College
  7. Hanna Erftenbeck, University of Notre Dame
  8. Kacey Garcia, La Sierra University
  9. Olivia Golubski, Brown University
  10. Valentina Grasso, University of Cambridge
  11. Alexis Greene, Boston College
  12. Lilly Hickox, Queens University
  13. Julian Hirsch, Trent University
  14. Jane Holmstrom, University of Central Florida
  15. Sohel Islam, Durham University
  16. Sye Kidane, Spellman College
  17. Onur Hasan Kirman, Hatay Mustafa Kemal University
  18. Kara Larson, University of Michigan
  19. Lauren Malkoun, University of Southern California
  20. Annissa Malvoisin, University of Toronto
  21. Kozhaya Mansour, Lebanese University
  22. Kyla McCall, Fisk University
  23. Erin Migneco, North Carolina State University
  24. Sebastian Millien, Harvard University
  25. Laurel Poolman, Johns Hopkins University
  26. Steven Porson, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
  27. Christine Sylvester, Wilfrid Laurier University