This series is devoted to the publication of final excavation reports, surveys and ethnoarchaeological fieldwork. Excavation projects need not be ASOR-affiliated to be considered. The CAARI Monographs are a subset of the Archaeological Reports series. The CAARI Monographs subseries may include conference proceedings.
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Jennie Ebeling, Series Editor
Most Recent Publication
Tel Kedesh I: The Hellenistic Archive and its Sealings
By Sharon C. Herbert
This is the first volume in a projected series of final reports on the 1997-2012 University of Michigan/University of Minnesota excavations at Tel Kedesh, located in the Upper Galilee of modern Israel and the hinterland of ancient Tyre. It presents the 2nd century BCE Hellenistic archive and the 2000+ sealings found there. The Kedesh archive complex was situated within a large, multipurposed administrative building, first constructed under Persian rule in the late 6th century BCE and then modified under Ptolemaic and Seleucid rule in the 3rd and 2nd centuries BCE. The sealings in the archive date to the final Seleucid phase of occupation in the first half of the 2nd century BCE. The first part of the volume situates the Kedesh archive within the context of excavated Hellenistic archives from Carthage in the west to Selucia-on-the-Tigris in the east and reflects on the varieties of archives, clienteles, and sealing practices so far known from the Hellenistic world. The second part presents an annotated illustrated catalog of the images and iconography of the 1,733 readable impressions found on the sealings. The subject matter of the 1,293 seal rings that produced the impressions was for the most part Greek.
With contributions by Donald T. Ariel, Andrea M. Berlin, Paul Lesperance, and Anastasia Shapiro.
30. Herbert, Sharon C. Tel Kedesh I: The Hellenistic Archive and its Sealings. Alexandria, VA: 2023. Available fromÌý.
29. Meehl, Mark W. Taanach II.ÌýAlexandria, VA: 2023. Available from .
28.Chovanec, Zuzana and Walter Crist. All Things Cypriot: Studies on Ancient Environment, Technology, and Society in Honor of Stuart Swiny. Alexandria, VA: 2021. Available from .
27. Holum, Kenneth G. Caesarea Maritima: Excavations in the Old City 1989-2003. Alexandria, VA: 2020. Available from .
26. Gates-Foster, Jennifer E. andÌýSteven E. Sidebotham.ÌýThe Archaeological Survey of the Desert Roads between Berenike and the Nile Valley. Alexandria, VA: 2019. Available from .
25.ÌýBull, Robert Jehu, Andrew H. Bobeck, Jane DeRose Evans, Robert S. Fritzius and Alexandra L. Ratzlaff.ÌýThe Mithraeum at Caesarea Maritima. Boston, MA: 2017. Available from .
24. MacDonald, Burton, Geoffrey A. Clark, Larry G. Herr, D. Scott Quaintance, Hani Hayajneh and Jürg Eggler. The Shammakh to Ayl Archaeological Survey, Southern Jordan (2010-2012). Boston, MA: 2016. Available from .
23. Duff, Catherine A. Shechem V: The Late Bronze Age Pottery from Field XIII at Shechem / Tell Balâtah. Boston, MA: 2015. Available from .
22. Barako, Tristan J., and Nancy L. Lapp. Tell er-Rumeith: The Excavations of Paul W. Lapp, 1962 and 1967. Boston, MA: 2015. Available from . Supplemental Material.
21. Caraher, William, R. Scott Moore and David K. Pettegrew. Pyla-Koutsopetria I: Archaeological Survey of an Ancient Coastal Town. Boston, MA: 2014. Available from .
20. Stewart, Charles Anthony, Thomas W. Davis, and Annemarie Weyl Carr. Cyprus and the Balance of Empires: Art and Archaeology from Justinian I to the Coeur de Lion. Boston, MA: 2014. Available from .
19. Parker, S. Thomas and Andrew M. Smith II. The Roman Aqaba Project Final Report, Volume 1: The Regional Environment and the Regional Survey. Boston, MA: 2014. Available from .
18. Oleson, John Peter and Robert Schick. Humayma Excavation Project, 2: Nabatean Campground and Necropolis, Byzantine Churches, and Early Islamic Domestic Structures. Boston, MA: 2014. Available from .
17. Friedland, Elise. The Roman Marble Sculptures from the Sanctuary of Pan at Caesarea Philippi/Panias (Israel). Boston, MA: 2012. Available from .
16. MacDonald, Burton, Larry G. Herr, D. Scott Quaintance, Geoffrey A. Clark, and Michael C. A. Macdonald. The Ayl to Ras an-Naqab Archaeological Survey, Southern Jordan 2005-2007. Boston, MA: 2012. Available from .
15. Oleson, John Peter. Technical Reports by G.
Brown, M. Finnegan, J.D. Mitchell, C.T. Shay. Humayma Excavation Project, I: Resources, History and the Water-Supply System. Boston, MA: 2010. Available from .
14. Richard, Suzanne, Jesse C. Long, Jr., Paul S. Holdorf, and Glen Peterman. Archaeological Expedition to Khirbat Iskandar and its Environs, Jordan. Volume One—Khirbat Iskandar: Final Report on the Early Bronze IV. Area C³ Gateway² and Cemeteries. Boston, MA: ASOR, 2010. Available from .
13. Govaars, Marylinda; Spiro, Marie; and White, L. Michael. Field O: “Synagogue” Site. The Joint Expedition to Caesarea Maritima Excavation Reports (JECM) IX. Boston, MA: ASOR, 2009. Available from .
12. Evans, Jane DeRose. The Coins and the Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine Economy of Palestine. The Joint Expedition to Caesarea Maritima Excavation Reports (JECM) VI. Boston, MA: ASOR, 2006. Available from .
11. Lapp, Nancy, ed. Shechem IV: The Persian-Hellenistic Pottery of Shechem/Tell Balât’ah. Boston, MA: ASOR, 2009. Available from .
10. Stieglitz, Robert R. Tel Tanninim: Excavations at Krokodeilon Polis, 1996-1999. Boston, MA: ASOR, 2006. Available from .
9. MacDonald, Burton. The Tafila-Busayra Archaeological Survey 1999-2001, west-central Jordan. Boston, MA: ASOR, 2004. Available from .
8. Swiny, Stuart, Rapp, George “Rip”, and Herscher, Ellen, eds. Sotira Kaminoudhia. CAARI Monographs 4. Boston, MA: ASOR, 2003. Available from .
7. Serwint, Nancy, and Diane Bolger, eds. Engendering Aphrodite. CAARI Monographs 3. Boston, MA: ASOR, 2002. Available from .
6. Campbell, Edward. Shechem III. Boston, MA: ASOR, 2002. Available from .
5. Swiny, Stuart, ed. The Earliest Prehistory of Cyprus. CAARI Monographs 2. Boston, MA: ASOR, 2001. Available from ISD.
4.Swiny, Stuart, Hohlfelder, Robert L. and Swiny, Helena eds. Res Maritimae. Cyprus and the Eastern Mediterranean From Prehistory to Late Antiquity. CAARI Monographs 1. Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press, 1997. Available from ISD.
3. Pratico, Gary D. Nelson Glueck’s 1938-1940 Excavations at Tell el-Kheleifeh: A Reappraisal. Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press, 1993. Available from ISD.
2. Campbell, Edward F. Shechem II. Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press, 1992. Available from ISD.
Book Reviews
All Things Cypriot: Studies on Ancient Environment, Technology, and Society in Honor of Stuart Swiny (ARS 28), by Chovanec, Zuzana and Walter Crist.
Caesarea Maritima: Excavations in the Old City 1989-2003 (ARS27), by Holum, Kenneth G.
The Archaeological Survey of the Desert Roads between Berenike and the Nile Valley (ARS 26), by Gates-Foster, Jennifer E. and Steven E. Sidebotham.
The Mithraeum at Caesarea Maritima (ARS 25), by Bull, Robert Jehu, Andrew H. Bobeck, Jane DeRose Evans, Robert S. Fritzius and Alexandra L. Ratzlaff.
The Shammakh to Ayl Archaeological Survey, Southern Jordan (2010-2012) (ARS 24), by MacDonald, Burton, Geoffrey A. Clark, Larry G. Herr, D. Scott Quaintance, Hani Hayajneh and Jürg Eggler.
Review by Fawzi Abudanah in Antiquity.
Review by Alexander Wasse in Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies.
Pyla-Koutsopetria I: Archaeological Survey of an Ancient Coastal Town (ARS 21), by Caraher, William, R. Scott Moore and David K. Pettegrew.
Cyprus and the Balance of Empires: Art and Archaeology from Justinian I to the Coeur de Lion (ARS 20), by Stewart, Charles Anthony, Thomas W. Davis, and Annemarie Weyl Carr.
Review by Robin Cormack in Speculum
Review by Rebecca Sweetman in Medieval Archaeology
The Roman Aqaba Project Final Report, Volume 1: The Regional Environment and the Regional SurveyÌý(ARS19) by Parker, S. Thomas and Andrew M. Smith II.
ÌýHumayma Excavation Project, I: Resources, History and the Water-Supply System (ARS 15), by Oleson, John Peter.
Archaeological Expedition to Khirbat Iskandar and its Environs, Jordan. Volume One—Khirbat Iskandar: Final Report on the Early Bronze IV. Area C³ Gateway² and CemeteriesÌý(ARS14), by Richard, Suzanne, Jesse C. Long, Jr., Paul S. Holdorf, and Glen Peterman.
The Coins and the Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine Economy of Palestine. (ARS 12), by Evans, Jane DeRose.
How to Order
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