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December 2017 Monthly Report

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• Newly released photographs show the condition of the Raqqa Museum and its collection in Raqqa, Raqqa Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 17-0098 UPDATE

• DigitalGlobe satellite imagery reveals damage to exposed architecture at Mari, Tell Hariri, Deir ez-Zor Governorate, Syria. ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 17-0224

• Newly released photographs show damage to the British Cemetery in Mosul, Ninawa Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report IHI 17-0083

• Newly released photographs show the condition of Hatra, Ninawa Governorate, Iraq. ASOR CHI Incident Report IHI 17-0085

• Newly released photographs show the stabilization of Qasr al-Birka in Benghazi, Cyrenaica, Libya. ASOR CHI Incident Report LHI 17-0038 UPDATE

• Illegal excavation is occurring at the Western Necropolis in Cyrene, Shahat, Cyrenaica, Libya. ASOR CHI Incident Report LHI 17-0045

November 2017 Monthly Report

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• New video footage and DigitalGlobe satellite imagery show Turkish forces are establishing a third outpost in Deir Semaan in the Jebel Semaan, Aleppo Governorate damaging the site. ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 17-0212

• Pro-regime forces liberated the Armenian Holy Martyrs Church and Museum in Deir ez-Zor, Deir ez-Zor Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 17-0200

• Artillery fire reportedly damaged al-Qadim Mosque in Hamouriya, Rif Dimashq Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 17-0210

• An earthquake damaged the Sherwana Castle and Museum in Kalar, As-Sulaymaniah Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report IHI 17-0079

• Mart Barbara in Karamlish is undergoing restoration in Ninawa Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report IHI 17-0078

• The Libyan Department of Antiquities has begun a campaign to conserve the mosaics of Qasr Libya, Cyrenaica. ASOR CHI Incident Report LHI 17-0039

• Islamic extremists damaged al-Sheikha Radiya Mosque in Sidi Khalifa, Tripolitania. ASOR CHI Incident Report LHI 17-0040

October 2017 Monthly Report

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• Syria: A new video shows a gunman destroying the remains of a Byzantine-era villa in Deir Sunbul, Jebel Zawiya, Idlib Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 17-0177

• Syria: New photographs and video show the destruction of the Arslan Tash Lions in al-Rasheed Park, Raqqa, Raqqa Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 17-0191

• Iraq: New video footage and DigitalGlobe satellite imagery shows intentional destruction and looting of the Tal Afar Citadel in Tal Afar, Ninawa Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report IHI 17-0073 UPDATE

• Libya: Military clashes caused minor damage to several monuments at the archaeological site of Sabratha in the region of Tripolitania. ASOR CHI Incident Report LHI 17-0022 UPDATE

• Libya: Unknown parties destroyed a Sufi shrine dedicated to Sidi Abu Ghrara in al-Ghrararat, Tripolitania. ASOR CHI Incident Report LHI 17-0035

September 2017 Monthly Report

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• Reported SARG-Russian airstrikes damaged Ebla, Idlib Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 17-0167

• New photographs show damage to the Raqqa Museum as well as historical sites in Raqqa Governorate, including Heraqla, Qasr al-Banat, al-Rafiqah Wall, and Bab Baghdad. ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 17-0098 UPDATE, SHI 17-0106 UPDATE, SHI 17-0111 UPDATE, SHI 17-0122 UPDATE, and SHI 17-0127 UPDATE

• New video footage shows damage to al-Nour Mosque in Tal Afar, Ninawa Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report IHI 17-0074

• Ongoing fighting between two militias in Sabratha has damaged the theatre of Sabratha. ASOR CHI Incident Report LHI 17-0022

• Five historic buildings were illegally torn down and replaced by a new construction in the old city of Tripoli, Tripolitania. ASOR CHI Incident Report LHI 17-0023, LHI 17-0024, LHI 17-0025, LHI 17-0026, and LHI 17-0027

August 2017 Monthly Report

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• A local council is conducting conservation projects on al-Shughour Castle in Shughour Qadeem, Idlib Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 17-0147

• A US-led Coalition airstrike destroyed al-Nour Mosque in Raqqa, Raqqa Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 17-0145

• The Day After Heritage Protection Initiative released a new report on damage to al-Daraj Historic Bath

• Yazidi inhabitants of Bashiqa rebuild 17 destroyed shrines in Ninawa Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report IHI 17-0069

• DigitalGlobe imagery shows damage to al-Kabir Mosque in al-’Ayadiya, Ninawa Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report IHI 17-0072

• A survey of archaeological elements in the Old City of al-Marj, Cyrenaica occurred. ASOR CHI Incident Report LHI 17-0021

• Security forces prevented a large hoard of coins from Tripoli, Tripolitania from being smuggled out of Libya through Mitiga Airport. ASOR CHI Incident Report LHI 17-0015

July 2017 Monthly Report

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• US-led Coalition airstrikes damaged the city wall of Raqqa, Raqqa Governorate (ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 17-0122)

• Hayat Tahrir al-Sham reportedly fired heavy weapons at Qal’at Harim, Idlib Governorate (ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 17-0132)

• The battle for Mosul damages the Old City of Mosul, Ninawa Governorate (ASOR CHI Incident Report IHI 17-0065)

• New photos show graffiti on the al-Hadba Minaret and al-Nouri Mosque in Mosul, Ninawa Governorate (ASOR CHI Incident Report IHI 17-0062)

• The aftermath of the Battle of Benghazi reveals severe damage to the Old City of Benghazi, including the Ottoman Municipal Building (ASOR CHI Incident Report LHI 17-0013)

• A Torah scroll, purchased in Zintan, Tripolitania, was recovered from two smugglers in Tunisia (ASOR CHI Incident Report LHI 17-0010)

June 2017 Monthly Report

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• Islamic factions are firing on Syrian-Kurdish opposition forces from the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Qala’at Simeon (ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 17-0112)

• Satellite imagery revealed damage to Syrian site of Heraqla concurrent with its recapture from ISIL by the SDF (ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 17-0106)

• Caches of artifacts were discovered in houses in Mosul (ASOR CHI Incident Report IHI 17-0039)

• ISIL intentionally destroyed al-Nuri al-Kabir Mosque and al-Hadba Minaret (ASOR CHI Incident Report IHI 17-0045)

• Satellite imagery and news reports confirm damage to the historic Libyan city of Benghazi (ASOR CHI Incident Report LHI 17-0005)

May 2017 Monthly Report

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• New video shows ISIL militants intentional destruction of antiquities in Deir ez-Zor Governorate, Syria. (ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 17-0081)

• An old house in Aleppo was purchased and is being dismantled for transport to Lebanon. (ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 17-0086)

• New photographs show damage to the Maltai Reliefs in Iraq. (ASOR CHI Incident Report IHI 17-0026)

• New photographs were released of damage to the Mosul University Library. (ASOR CHI Incident Report IHI 17-0016 UPDATE)

April 2017 Monthly Report

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• New reporting reveals scope of damage to Omar Ibn al-Khattab Mosque in al-Jeineh, Aleppo Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 17-0038 UPDATE

• Reported Russian airstrikes damage an Ottoman-era hammam (bathhouse) in Sarmin, Idlib Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 17-0072

• New video footage provides more information on ISIL looting of the ancient site of Nineveh. ASOR CHI Incident Report IHI 15-0097 UPDATE

• Popular Mobilization Front (PMF) captures the ancient site of Hatra from ISIL. ASOR CHI Incident Report IHI 17-0024

• New photographs show the dismantling of a historic house in the Old City of Derna in Libya. ASOR CHI Incident Report LHI 17-0001

March 2017 Monthly Report

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• Video footage and photographs show the condition of the Palmyra Citadel, Homs Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 17-0030

• Video footage and photographs show condition of the Roman Theater, Palmyra, Homs Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 17-0032

• Newly released photographs show condition of Tetrapylon, Palmyra, Homs Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 17-0033

• A reported US-led Coalition airstrike damages the Omar Ibn al-Khattab Mosque compound, Aleppo Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 17-0038

• New photographs and video show the extent of damage to the Mosul Museum, Ninawa Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report IHI 15-0034 UPDATE

• More evidence of damage and new discovery at Nebi Yunus Complex, Ninawa Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report IHI 17-0005 UPDATE

• Conservators removed spray paint from the Malthai Reliefs, Dohuk Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report IHI 17-0021

February 2017 Monthly Report

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• Syria: Possible Russian airstrikes damage Shoaib Mosque in Idlib, Idlib Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 17-0018

• Syria: ISIL created fortifications on Tal Bayjan in Tal Bayjan, Aleppo Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 17-0024

• Syria: Russian airstrikes hit Trajan’s Palace in Bosra al-Sham, Daraa Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 17-0027

• Iraq: Newly released photographs show damage to a Yezidi Cemetery in Bashiqa and Bahzani, Ninawa Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report IHI 16-0046 UPDATE

• Iraq: Newly released video footage shows damage to Mar Ephraim Church in Mosul, Ninawa Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report IHI 17-0017

January 2017 Monthly Report

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• Reported Turkish artillery shells land near al-Iman Mosque in al-Bab, Aleppo Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 17-0002

• ISIL carried out executions in the Palmyra Roman Theater and destroyed the facade in Palmyra, Homs Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 17-0012

• Iraqi forces capture Nebi Yunus Mosque Complex in Mosul, Ninawa Governorate, exposing the extent of ISIL damage. ASOR CHI Incident Report IHI 17-0005

• ISIL militants reuse Mart Shmone Church in Tel Kaif, Ninawa Governorate as a military base and training camp. ASOR CHI Incident Report IHI 17-0007

• New satellite imagery and photographs show the level of destruction to Mosul University, Mosul, Ninawa Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report IHI 17-0016

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