

June 8-21, 2016
U. S. Dept. Cooperation Agreement Number: NEA-PSHSS-14-001

BY Michael D. Danti, Amr Al-Azm, Allison Cuneo, Susan Penacho, Bijan Rouhani, Marina Gabriel, Kyra Kaercher, Jamie O’Connell


* This report is based on research conducted by the “Safeguarding the Heritage of the Near East Initiative,” funded by the US Department of State. Monthly reports reflect reporting from a variety of sources and may contain unverified material. As such, they should be treated as preliminary and subject to change.

Executive Summary

During the reporting period, DigitalGlobe satellite imagery confirmed the total destruction of the Nergal Gate at Nineveh, which had previously been verified through ISIL propaganda photographs released on May 25, 2016. The Nergal Gate contained the most intact pair of colossal lammasu(human-headed winged bull sculptures) at the site, which were previously damaged by ISIL militants and featured in a February 2015 propaganda video. This incident is the latest in a disturbing trend: Nineveh’s architectural features are being systematically erased by ISIL militants. This campaign began with the detonation of Nebi Yunus in July 2014, and since then the Southwest Palace, in a fragile state of preservation, segments of the city wall, and three monumental gates, all modern reconstructions comprised of ancient building materials and built above original archaeological features, have all been leveled and the debris removed. The generation of performative destruction propaganda by ISIL forces in Iraq, until this point, had been dormant since the demolition of the Abdullah ibn Mubarak Shrine and Mosque in Hit, Al Anbar Governorate in September 2015,2 and the most recent performative destructions targeting ancient heritage in Iraq occurred at Hatra3 and Nimrud4 in April 2015.5 This recent uptick in heritage related propaganda coincides with the looming offensive to retake Mosul and recent ISIL setbacks such as the loss of Fallujah and rapidly deteriorating economic and security situations for ISIL across northern Iraq and Syria.

ISIL has lost its foothold in Fallujah, and accordingly more information on the situation in Al Anbar Governorate has become available. ASOR CHI has learned of multiple acts of sectarian retributory violence in Al Anbar Governorate impacting places of worship. The situation in Fallujah is precarious with the presence of Shia Popular Mobilization Units in a predominantly Sunni city, and these incidents of mosque destruction allegedly by PMUs, which bears a strong similarity to earlier incidents in Muqdadiya, Diyala Governorate in January 2016,6 could spark increased violence and ultimately erase the significance of these territorial gains against ISIL.

Combat damage to places of worship continues unabated in Syria, with the majority of the damage resulting from aerial bombardment in Aleppo and Idlib Governorates, where SARG and Russian forces have concentrated military efforts. The site of Qalaat Semaan was hit again by airstrikes, and The Day After Heritage Protection Initiative has provided an assessment of the damage.

Finally, DigitalGlobe satellite imagery revealed further looting at the site of Apamea.

Key points from this report:

  • Recent DigitalGlobe satellite imagery shows the complete destruction of the Nergal Gate at the archaeological site of Nineveh, Ninawa Governorate (ASOR CHI Incident Report IHI 16-0010 UPDATE).
  • Update on the Southwest Palace of Sennacherib at Nineveh, Ninawa Governorate (ASOR CHI Incident Report IHI 16-0013 UPDATE).
  • New information shows two additional mosques were damaged (allegedly by the Popular Mobilization Front) in al-Karmah District, al-Anbar Governorate (ASOR CHI Incident Report IHI 16-0015 UPDATE).
  • Members of the Shia Popular Mobilization Front allegedly damaged a mosque in al-Saqlawiyah, al-Anbar Governorate (ASOR CHI Incident Report IHI 16-0018).
  • Video footage published by the ISIL-affiliated Amaq News Agency shows recruitment of men by ISIL militants in two mosques in Manbij, Aleppo Governorate (ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 16-0085).
  • Alleged SARG barrel bombs severely damaged al-Mustafa Mosque in Daraya, Rif Dimashq Governorate (ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 16-0086).
  • SARG and Russian airstrikes allegedly damaged three mosques in the city of Aleppo, Aleppo Governorate (ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 16-0087).
  • An alleged SARG airstrike damaged al-Masri Mosque in Ma’arat al-Numan, Idlib Governorate (ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 16-0088).
  • An alleged Russian airstrike damaged al-Kabir Mosque in Urum al-Kubra, Aleppo Governorate (ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 16-0089).
  • An alleged SARG airstrike damaged al-Rahman Mosque in Idlib, Idlib Governorate (ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 16-0090).
  • An alleged US-led coalition airstrike allegedly damaged Abu Bakr al-Sidiq Mosque in Tilalyan, Aleppo Governorate (ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 16-0091).
  • Newly published video footage shows damage to Khaled Bin al-Walid Mosque in Hraitan, Aleppo Governorate (ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 16-0092).
  • New DigitalGlobe satellite imagery shows ongoing illegal excavations at the archaeological site of Apamea, Hama Governorate (ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 16-0093).
  • An alleged SARG airstrikes caused unspecified damage to Qalaat Semaan, Aleppo Governorate (ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 16-0094). The Day After Heritage Protection Initiative has produced a report on the damage.

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