

July 14, 2015
U. S. Dept. Cooperation Agreement Number: NEA-PSHSS-14-001

BY Michael D. Danti, Cheikhmous Ali, Allison Cuneo, Kyra Kaercher, LeeAnn Barnes Gordon, and Erin Van Gessel


* This report is based on research conducted by the “Safeguarding the Heritage of the Near East Initiative,” funded by the US Department of State. Monthly reports reflect reporting from a variety of sources and may contain unverified material. As such, they should be treated as preliminary and subject to change.

Executive Summary

During the reporting period, in Syria unknown combatants detonated a tunnel bomb beneath the northeastern span of the fortification wall of the Aleppo Citadel. The medieval–early modern/Ottoman citadel lies at the center of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Ancient City of Aleppo and sits atop an archaeological mound of great age — archaeological excavations reached levels of the Early Iron Age (ca. 1000 BC) although much earlier levels lay below. For years, the citadel has been the focal point of fighting between SARG and Opposition forces and has suffered numerous damage incidents.

Key points from this report:

  • The Aleppo Citadel sustained severe damage after a tunnel bomb was detonated beneath the northeastern fortification wall.

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